Quantum / Damage Analysis
Quantum Damage means the damage / loss incurred during execution of the project. The comprehensive approach to damages, seeks to develop a supportable basis for damages derived from an analysis of problems caused by both parties, contractual risks, and actual man-hours and costs incurred.
In order to determine the most effective methodology for quantifying the damages, our consultants perform a thorough evaluation of the project, including reviews of contemporaneous project records, fact witness testimony, and key project cost and schedule data. Through this analysis, we then assess the proper cause-and-effect relationships for damage allocation that includes but are not limited to
o Study & Understanding of Damage | o Identification of Root Cause of Damage |
o Analysis by Discrete Pricing / Actual Cost Analysis | o Analysis by Contractual Rates |
o Analysis by Total Cost / Modified Total Cost | o Measured Mile Productivity Analysis |
o CPM schedule Delay Analysis for Extended Project Cost | o Quantification of Damage |
o Delay / Direct / Indirect Damages | o Change Orders and Time Extensions |